The last of day school induction programme
Today is the last day of school induction programme. as usual we reached the school at sharp 9 o'clock, then we go to the principal room and sign the attendance register. after, we sat on the Staffroom and discussed. then we collected the photos of Manasa the girls amenity centre in the school. and collected the details of it. first interval we gave sweets to the all teachers in the Staffroom. Then we goes to the classrooms and gave the sweets to the students for express our thanks.The high school section conducted an essay competition in connection with the Arts Day celebration. we collected the photos of the essay writing. Fourth hour we went to the plus one class for our third observation class. The class was taken by an expert teacher. After the lunch break we took the pictures with teachers. After data collection and observation we wrote reports till evening. The last day induction programme concluded at 4 30 pm.
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