Art skit

Today we performed a skit as part of our Performing Arts Assessment. We were a group of 9 students - 4 from English and 5 from Commerce department. Our skit was named " Aham" which means 'self'. The theme of our skit was partiality, a problem faced by majority of students. The setting was that of a school . Characters include: Anagha Krishnan - Principal
Anusree BK - teacher
Karthika N -teacher
Subhana - school manager
Reshma - student
Sharafa - student
Kavya - student
Nandhu - student (principal's son)
Shilpa - Reshma' s mother

The skit revolves around a school setup wherein a teacher is partial among her students . The teacher favours the rich kids and the principal's son and treats the poor kids badly . The teacher failed the studious kids and gives full marks to the principal's son. This creates an issue which leads to the school manager reprimanding the teacher and making her realise her mistake . The skit ends with a message for all teachers and the budding teachers like ourselves to be impartial towards the children who have entrusted their future in our hands.


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