capacity building program

Today we had our first capacity Development Program as part of our Edu: 01 (philosophy)paper. The program was conducted by Dr. Anu Krishnan. R , Principal P.T.M.I.T.E, Maruthoorkonam,Balaramapuram. The program started at 10: 50 am . The program was carried out through various activities which enable us to identify ourselves and our capabilities. The first activity was to write our strengths and weaknesses in 60 seconds. To conduct the second activity we were asked to volunteer either to sing or to narrate a story. Salma sang a song and Greeshma narrated a beautiful story about honesty. The third activity was an imitation game . 10 students were asked to volunteer and they were asked to face backwards so that none could see what the person behind them does. The host does an action and the first person from the last should imitate the same action to the immediate person in front of him. This continues till the last person imitates the action. The actions were changed as the person changed. Thus activity was conducted to make us understand how our society works and how something changes as it gets transferred from person to person. The fourth activity was to identify and describe the picture displayed on the screen. The picture was that of a fish bowl with a huge red background. We all described the fish bowl and neglected the red background which was pointed out to us by the teacher . This was to make us understand how we perceive things . The fifth activity was to identify the persons shown on the screen ,they were the faces of Socrates, Aristotle, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin and David A Kolb. The sixth activity was a memorization game. The teacher gave us 10 words and asked to memorize it .Some of the students were asked to say the words in the exact order . Then he asked us to memorize those words by creating a story out of it . The last and final activity was to create a self awareness within ourselves. The teacher narrated the story of the rabbit and the tortoise with an improvised version which ends with the two friends realising their own unique capabilities and realising that they are incomparable. The activity ended with the moral " Slow, Steady and Consistent wins the race". The teacher wished us success in our career and gave us blessings to become wonderful teachers in the future.The class concluded with the a vote of thanks delivered by Aswin.


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