camp 1st day

As per B ed curriculum we the second year B ed students arranged the camp in 4th November 2024 to 8 th November 2024.
Today is the first day in tha camp. We arrived in 9 am and camp will started in 9 30 am with inauguration by our beloved principal Dr. Deepthi karunakaran. The first session of the camp will started in 10 am as a ice breaking session. This session was conducted by Vivek V K the teacher of Government town UPS Nedumangadu. The session is very interesting and entertainment session. This session will end at the 1 pm. After that we go to lunch and 2 pm Mr. Shiyas khan teach us the clay modelling. Very interesting properties are we made it. After that we are the today's kitchen team and we go to make tea and buy the snacks to all. After that we went to collect the details about the waste management in the houses in manichal panchayath. In the evening 6 30 we all assemble in the auditorium and tell the camp review and present the today's expenses in the meeting. Then we arranged the camp fire insurance , after that we had done our dinner. 


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