
Showing posts from December, 2023

Christmas celebration

Today we celebrated Christmas in our college. We named the programme "GLISTEN GALA" . We all were dressed in red and white dress . Second years led the Carol party and brought our beloved teachers to the auditorium.The program began with a prayer followed by a welcome speech by Muhsina . Our respected principal mrs Deepthi Karunakaran delivered the Christmas message . Then we presented our beloved Arun sir with a parting gift . Next we began exchanging Christmas gifts to our Christmas friends and had a short lunch break. Cultural programs began shortly after lunch . First was a song sung by Anandhakrishnan , followed by a group dance by the first years . Next was a group song mashup and several group dance followed. Last but not least our dearest Arun sir sang two songs for us as a Christmas gift. We concluded our program with a free and unrestricted dance moment.

selection of Christmas friend

Today we chooses the Christmas friend in our college. All the college members are included the selection including management and non teaching staff. Principle take the first lot and continue teachers to student's. 

oath ceremony

Today after the assembly the college conducted oath for the all union members. The section conducted by naseer sir. After their oath, principal asked about them. 

Maths second Assembly

Today's assembly is conducted by mathematics department. The assembly started with the prayer song, who sung by midhun. The anchoring carried by midhun. After the prayer saran tell about the pledge, and newspaper reading done by aswathy. After that Nithya says about the thought of the day and new word. Anju said about the importance of the week. Summaya conducted a speech about human rights development.  saran conducted the quiz. And summaya tells about the important facts of the mathematics. Aswathy introduce a story " prakasham parathunna penkuty". Midhun conducted a puzzle question. And anju conducted some teachers education psychology related questions to us. They introduced the name of their subject association. And Deepthi Ma'am tell about the review of assembly, finally The assembly concluded by National Anthem 


Today (December 1) we celebrate the aids day in our college. Morning 9 30 principle  relased the ballon, and say about the aids day. After that we attend our daily classes. After the lunch break we continue the celebration with watching short film about the aids.