Today's (13/09/2023) Assembly was conducted by Mathematics Department. The total number of members participated in the assembly is SIx. They are Anju, Midhun, Nithya, Aswathy, Sharan, Sumayya. The assembly consisted of Prayer, Newspaper reading, Pledge,  Thought of the day, New word, Speech,  National Anthem  and feedback. The anchoring was done by Anju. They started the assembly with the prayer, the prayer was sung by Midhun, Nithya say the pledge, newspaper reading was done by Midhun, Aswathy presented the thought of the day, New word was introduced by Sharan the word is "AMELIORATE" that means "to improve or to make better". Sumayya gave a talk about Ozone day and conducted a quiz related to Ozone day. At the end of the assembly the English department Veena ma'am expressed her opinion about today's assembly. Finally the assembly was concluded by National Anthem sung by all the members of the college. For me the assembly was excellent, everything was presented very efficiently and systematically.


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